Wednesday, August 22, 2012


It's 1:47AM.
I work at 6AM.
The math equation that would follow 2 facts like that goes as follows:
4hours of sleep + Angela = sucky day at work for co-workers + A LOT of missing chocolate from the Candy jar.

In the words of a legend "Goodnight cruel world, I'll see you in the mornin" --Kanye West.

Just one quick thought here:

(That was actually 3...)

Remember to have a positive one. It helps no one, ESPECIALLY yourself, to be down on you. These last 2 weeks, to put in bluntly, sucked major ballz, and I just keep putting out the negative view. I keep being a grouch. I keep sleeping in. I keep being lazy and not working out.
Starting tomorrow that is CHANGING. It WILL take effort. I am naiive to think that it won't. But no matter how big or small the challenge I'm going to make it.

"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."    -Michael Jordan

Monday, July 9, 2012

Two. Years.

I've decided to keep an online journal of sorts. I have a real journal but I try not to put too much girly things in it so that when my kids have the chance to read it they don't have TOO much to hold over my head. I'm afraid its probably too late for that already, but maybe I could start here. As if I don't internet spam enough with facebook, twitter, pinterest and I am newly instagramming which I think is probably going to be a bad thing. I like having barely anyone to read this because I'm not worried about "how many likes" I'm going to get or if my internet rep is going to get bigger or less. It's me writing for me. ANYWAYS.
Today was my Monday "sick day" as my older brother would call it. He was convinced I skipped 9/10th of Jr. High because of "sick days" BUT I HAD STOMACHE ISSUES. And who NEEDS grade 7 science anyways? I was getting 98's anyways. That might have been the beginning of my declining grades and slacker reputation but I think it really built morale in the fact that I had to be able to really convince MYSELF I was even sick those days. Just kididng, but today was one of those more "optional" sick days. Of course, I wasn't feeling 100%, but ask me out of my whole summer how many mornings at 6AM have I really truly FELT 100%? hahaha very few, it was more the feeling of I didn't get enough sleep the night before and I didn't want to have any meltdowns at work in the backroom. Really I was sparing everyone ELSE. I could handle me breaking down. Just knew they'd have a problem. hahaha the point of this all is that I think it finally hit me today.
Two Years.
Two Years. Wow. You know what happens in two years? A new born baby can now walk, talk and probably feed themselves. Someone could receive their Associates degree. Someone could start a new passion. Someone could have trained and ran a marathon. Someone could move across the world and BACK. Two. Years.
Someone could be a totally different person. Two Years.
I'm so excited for the next Two Years. They're going to be such a journey for me. They already hold so much self-discovery for me that its crazy. I'm excited to mature. I am maturing. I've started to view things in a different light and I'm excited to continue with life. I sometimes hit little road blocks but have found that at each of these the provided Detour Route has allowed me see so much more then I would have staying on my original, straightforward path. I learn to love every detour. I am learning to love this new Detour. Two Years was not in my plan. I don't know if it even IS in my plan. For now I'm blessed for what I have. An amazing family and friends that make me laugh harder then anything. I don't know what I have to complain about. Needless to say, tomorrows going to be "better then ever" type of day and I'm grateful. As one of my best friends and greatest examples always says, "Life is Good. Smile." and that's what I'm going to do. :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Land of the Free? Or free-akishly ANNOYING.

So I have been promising ALL MY FANS a new blog (okay only one person reads my blog, yet I continue to pretend a have a large fan-base). And although my life is thoroughly exciting in all aspects of the word and I have endless topics I could write about, (false)  the most prominently annoying topic in my life, as of late, is Americans.

Now, I don't mean to be ignorant, because I do understand there are some great US-ians out there,(rare) but the country honestly believes it is "THE SHIZ". There have been a few things that have been pushing my buttons as of lately that apparently I need to rant about in order to get over.

Firstly, I have never feared more for my life than I do when trying to cross a cross-walk in the United States. I'm so glad that the people are encased in a huge metal vehicle are given the right of way. Yes, it makes a 100% sense to have the people driving the cars be able to plow around where ever they want! Plus, you know what really gets me? If I do happen to step out in front of a car, and Heaven Forbid, they have to wait a whole 15 seconds for me to SPEEDWALK (because I am that scared) across the crosswalk, I get the typical "Ameri-face" ----------------->
This is face that Americans love to give. Get in someones way at the grocery store? ----->This face. Say "bag(e)" instead of "ba(h)g"?-----> this guy right here. Say you like OBAMA? You best believe you're gettin yourself an Ameri-face.

The irony of the Ameri-face is that WE foreigners should be ones giving the face. To give you only a SAMPLE of the questions I have received about CANADA would astound you.

"OMG! Have you ever even BEEN to a Walmart before?!"
"Wait, you have Nation Anthem too??" 

"Well, it's probably weird for you to have Sunlight for most of the day right?"

"'Washroom?' Why would you need to do your wash?"

"Canadian Money? This is Monopoly Money."

All in all, American's have continued to prove to me that they are not worthy of sharing the continent with God's REAL country, Canada. Hhahah I'm completely joking. But as a friend once quoted to me, "We're bigger and we're on top. In prison, we'd be king." 
Mostly this was a rant that took me four days to write. Hopefully you see some of the humor.... otherwise I just look like an A-hole. Which doesn't really bother me either. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Atrocious Attire

With a population of just under 30 000 people, Rexburg, Idaho probably isn't considered a major urban center, in any sense. So, I guess in some respects it is understandable that people aren't quite up to par on the fashion side of things, seeing as the two major shopping centers include the DI(second hand clothing) and Walmart, (where I will say I have found some decent buys, don't hate) but it also seems practically disrespectful to some of the rest of the world to have some of the acts I see go unnoticed. We have come to the conclusion that there is some sort of invisible force field surrounding the BYU campus. It seems as if  no one with any sense of style can penetrate this undetectable force. Okay, okay, some of this may be rash judgment, but after the things seen on this campus most people with adequate judgment would agree.  Something needs to be done.
A week ago I was jaunting across campus in hopes of actually attending a class on time, 100% focused on my goal when HOLY!!!! I stopped dead in my tracks. I felt like I was observing a rare and possibly volatile animal. For the next few sentences you'll have to use your imagination, and honestly, it still probably won't be good enough. Picture THIS: Leopard print dress, half way down the thigh, trimmed in a two inch long black lace, covered with a Michellin Man Red puffed jacket, hair tied back with a bow that I believe they only sell to children under the age of three months when they can't yet decide what gender they are, and topped off (or bottomed I guess) with the most pungent looking Pink you can imagine tights, in two inch black pumps.
Now. If you don't need a breath after that, you clearly have a stomach.
I will give the girl credit though. If she didn't get noticed by someone and get asked on some sort of date I'm clearly doomed. Who would notice me next to that rodeo!
I guess you could say I have my work cut out for me. In reality, i feel torn. --Do I help these fashion deprived students? Dedicate my life to them? In a sort of Stacy/Clinton way? --Do I ignore the fact, realizing that Rexburg, Idaho has the highest percent of marriages in the county? --Or do I give IN to the fact, realizing it has clearly worked for some, why not me?


How tough is life sometimes. Its crazy to think how fast it goes by, but in reality we're here so long. We hear the cliches all the time, "live life the the fullest", and "live in the moment", but I feel in truth it changes for each person. I have my own personal outlook on life. It comes down to perspective and attitude. Two people can be going through life and see two completely different things. I always felt like my mom's outlook was, "Life's not fair", because that was a speech I seemed to get a LOT, hahaha. But I really do believe it's all how you view things. Someone may be considered unpopular to the world but if they are confident with themselves then what does it matter what the world says. So I'm working on having a positive outlook.
"When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade." I have a love/hate relationship with that saying. First off, why the H do I have lemons in the first place? Do i live in the tropics? hahah and THERE's the sarcasm... I wonder if that helps my outlook on life. Sometimes I think it does. But thats usually only when people are laughing at me. Otherwise it sometimes hinders I think. Overall I just need to realize, in the words of my rap idol, Mr. Jay-Z, "Life is for Livin' not Livin' uptight" Everything in life works out, and if it doesn't I have my family and the gospel to help me out. I'm so grateful for both, and I'm working everyday to be grateful for so many things.
This blog was probably more for me than for anyone else, so thanks for reading if you did, sorry if I sounded like I was getting all prophetic on you, haha probably because I was trying to. Wisdom in my blogs :) hahah. Just Live. and be grateful everyday you get the chance to. <3

Friday, February 4, 2011

Introducing the Facebook Whore.

Hey, Its A, just had some thoughts and wanted to share. I would write my own blog but I don't have one so you guys get to hear it out. 
I'll definitely admit to having a lot of Pet Peeves. I hate when the cheese is cut on a slant, (like can we not just have a parallel chop?) I hate when people can't keep their gum inside their mouths (wasn't cute in grade one, STILL isn't cute.) and I absolutely can't stand fingerprints on cell phone screens because that's just straight up dirty. Lately though, I've developed a new pet peeve. Something that has respectively earned itself the name of "Facebook Whore."

The Facebook Whore is not your typical facebooker. I mean, come on, we're all are a tad addicted; checking news feeds, looking at pictures and regular stalking, but I'm talking more than that. I'm talking the people who like every comment, every picture, and every status. Okay, I understand when you're best friends with someone. Reasonable I guess (Janie Richards) but I'm talking when you go to like a status and realize that someone else has already liked, commented and written their own status, about the old status, and then proceed to LIKE their OWN status!
Okay, thats a bit dramatic but you know what i mean? When you go to like a comment and then notice that the facebook whore has struck again. There's no escaping him/her. Then you feel like you can't like the status because you don't even want to be near the territory of the FBwhore. And then you're upset that they stole your ability to like a status.

It's becoming a problem and it needs to be stopped. But how? I feel like the only way is to out-whore the facebookwhore. It's going to be tough, but I'm willing to do it to gain my rights and freedoms to facebook back. So for those of you who start getting a lot of notifications, you can just know its my facebook whore-ish side coming out. And when you're feeling super popular, you'll know who to thank. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Temporary split

You should know that the Ladies are temporarily split up. Half in Rexburg, a quarter in Virginia and a quarter in Boise. We practically aren't surviving without eachother, but we are working through it with a lot of FatCats, belting Moulin Rouge and some classic blood soup.
Just letting you guys know that Rexburg misses you two. The negative 29 weather and our constant parking tickets aren't enough to lure you back here apparently.
Short and sweet today. But we love you. <3
Loquacious Ladies