Friday, February 4, 2011

Introducing the Facebook Whore.

Hey, Its A, just had some thoughts and wanted to share. I would write my own blog but I don't have one so you guys get to hear it out. 
I'll definitely admit to having a lot of Pet Peeves. I hate when the cheese is cut on a slant, (like can we not just have a parallel chop?) I hate when people can't keep their gum inside their mouths (wasn't cute in grade one, STILL isn't cute.) and I absolutely can't stand fingerprints on cell phone screens because that's just straight up dirty. Lately though, I've developed a new pet peeve. Something that has respectively earned itself the name of "Facebook Whore."

The Facebook Whore is not your typical facebooker. I mean, come on, we're all are a tad addicted; checking news feeds, looking at pictures and regular stalking, but I'm talking more than that. I'm talking the people who like every comment, every picture, and every status. Okay, I understand when you're best friends with someone. Reasonable I guess (Janie Richards) but I'm talking when you go to like a status and realize that someone else has already liked, commented and written their own status, about the old status, and then proceed to LIKE their OWN status!
Okay, thats a bit dramatic but you know what i mean? When you go to like a comment and then notice that the facebook whore has struck again. There's no escaping him/her. Then you feel like you can't like the status because you don't even want to be near the territory of the FBwhore. And then you're upset that they stole your ability to like a status.

It's becoming a problem and it needs to be stopped. But how? I feel like the only way is to out-whore the facebookwhore. It's going to be tough, but I'm willing to do it to gain my rights and freedoms to facebook back. So for those of you who start getting a lot of notifications, you can just know its my facebook whore-ish side coming out. And when you're feeling super popular, you'll know who to thank. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Temporary split

You should know that the Ladies are temporarily split up. Half in Rexburg, a quarter in Virginia and a quarter in Boise. We practically aren't surviving without eachother, but we are working through it with a lot of FatCats, belting Moulin Rouge and some classic blood soup.
Just letting you guys know that Rexburg misses you two. The negative 29 weather and our constant parking tickets aren't enough to lure you back here apparently.
Short and sweet today. But we love you. <3
Loquacious Ladies